Canadian Perspective


Shopping at Yummy Market is a unique experience for the average Canadian shopper. Yummy Market advertises their supermarket as a European experience, however, upon entering the store, you begin to notice that one European culture dominates all others, and this culture is Russian. Most of the employees speak Russian, most of the product is Russian delicacy and the store labels are written in Russian. With everything in the store centering around Russia, it is hardly fair for the store to claim that they are offering shoppers a European food experience, it is rather a Russian food experience.


Canadian shoppers might feel uncomfortable and excluded when they enter and begin to shop in the store, if they do not speak Russian or come from a Russian background. One Canadian customer was interviewed after her first time shopping at Yummy Market and she said:


“ I didn’t realize how strong the Russian influence was in this grocery store. I overheard most of the employees speaking Russian to each other and to other customers. It made me feel a little bit excluded and I just wished that the grocery store represented other European cultures just as well as it represented Russia.”

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