Russian perspective



Yummy Market is a great atmosphere for those who are from Russia. Most of the employees are Russian and Ukrainian speaking, and a lot of the store labels are written in Russian. The strong Russian presence in the grocery store makes newcomers from Russia feel more at home. Those who are not very confident in their ability to speak English can feel comfortable approaching the staff and asking questions about products, as the employees will be able to speak to them in their native tongue.

Yummy Market also helps keep the Russian culture alive in Canada for those who are from Russia. The store is a great way for people to find Russian foods that may be hard to find in other, more mainstream grocery stores, and in this way people can continue to pass on their culture and traditions to the younger generations in their families.

Yummy Market is overall a great way to keep the Russian culture thriving and alive in Canada. It is a great way to bring the Russian community together in an environment where everybody can feel comfortable and at home.

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